Everyone knows relationships are hard work. Everyone knows that relationships hit roadblocks and whatever the fuck else. Fucking why. What’s the point? Be with a person that you mostly tolerate most of the days that you exist? And even then, they still might betray you in a horrible way. I’ve dealt with a lot of pain and stress and loss in my life, and when the happy shit gets sour, I just don’t fucking get it. Why not just live my life fucking off and dying eventually.

  • @peregrinetech
    27 months ago

    It is true that relationships require work, but they are worth it. It just depends on the choices you make. In the end, everything is a decision. Starting with the partner you want to share your life with and ending with the course of the relationship. We may not realise it at the time, but that’s the way it is. If you love someone, you have to make an effort to be with them.

    A relationship isn’t all honey, feelings are complicated and sometimes you have to put things into perspective. But if you find a great partner and a healthy relationship, you’ll see that everything will fall into place.

    A toxic relationship can be more intriguing than a healthy one at times. The last one may seem boring. So it all depends on the choices you make.

    If you like being alone, that’s fine, but don’t lie to yourself. I did the same thing when I was younger. I believed that I didn’t require anyone or that I didn’t feel the way I was supposed to, but I was wrong.

    Ultimately, most of us desire to have someone to come home to. It’s just up to you whether you choose a partner who will bring you peace or problems.