Hi so i want a list of desktop environments bcs its annoying finding a list for obscure desktop environments and it would be handy for me and other people

  • TurboWafflz
    47 months ago

    Plasma’s activities are nothing like special workspaces, they’re even further away from special workspaces than the normal plasma workspaces are. Special workspaces overlay over top of the actual workspace you’re currently using and can be moved between monitors and opened and closed independently of normal workspaces.

    • Confetti Camouflage
      17 months ago

      Closest thing I can think of would be the tags system from DWM iirc or AwesomeWM or on Wayland RiverWM. They can be used like traditional workspaces but you can have a number of workspaces (tags) active at once. However, they are more merged and tiled together instead of overlayed on top which sounds like what the special workspace would do. At the time I used AwesomeWM I never really used the tags system to it’s full potential and only used it like traditional workspaces.