• pezmaker
    17 months ago

    I’ll start by saying I agree with all your points. And I wasn’t able to find info about the median height, but the average height of American men is actually 5’9. Which including women would bring it down quite a bit. That said, as a 5’7 shorty, I hate the small space in seats. Based on your post I’m guessing your height is around 6’2" (I must know if I’m close!), so you truly have my sympathy sitting in those sardine can aluminum tubes.

    • @Tylerdurdon
      27 months ago

      Lol, that’s funny that it really is 5’9." It sure doesn’t seem like it when we’re all on it.

      Yes, you’re pretty close. It’s annoying to me and if there were comfortable high speed trains available, I’d likely take more time so I could be less stressed by the entire experience.