An important question this article ignores, is why private school vouchers are chosen over public schools?

  • NeuromancerM
    -71 month ago

    What is insane is the left says we should be more like Sweden. When you agree and say we should do vouchers, they melt down. We spend way too much money on education with poor results. Too much ideology in public schools and not enough education. Back when my kid was in high school; they kept going on about sex , gender and how republicans are bad. The school academics were horrible. We pulled her out and put her in a private school. Her standardized testing scores sky rocketed up. Best thing we ever did.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      101 month ago

      Who has spoken about Sweden besides you?

      My kids spend more time with me then at school and they have a solid foundation and an ability to think critically, I’m not afraid of any scary knowledge they might learn from school, friends, the internet or any other source that I wouldn’t be able to control the rest of their lives and wouldn’t want to anyways.

      • NeuromancerM
        -71 month ago

        The left never says we should be more like Sweden?

        Who said anything about scary knowledge? It’s the lack of focus on academics.

        • SatansMaggotyCumFart
          81 month ago

          It’s really hard to have a conversation with you when you skip past anything I say.

          • NeuromancerM
            -71 month ago

            I replied to your statement. When you build straw men, don’t get upset when they are knocked down.

              • NeuromancerM
                -61 month ago

                What do you think I didn’t answer ? You made a statement about scary knowledge which had nothing to do with what I said.

    • @P00ptart
      81 month ago

      They don’t teach that Republicans are bad. They figure that out for themselves using critical thinking since they’re not indoctrinated with all that “god” bs in school.

      • NeuromancerM
        -61 month ago

        Not that was an actual class lesson. Packed her ass up and sent her to a private school.

        • @P00ptart
          71 month ago

          No it wasn’t. Just because you took offense to historical accuracy, doesn’t mean that there was some specific lesson plan to say Republicans are bad.

          • NeuromancerM
            -91 month ago

            Are you still fuming that we took your slaves away and that’s makes us bad people?

            • @P00ptart
              81 month ago

              Modern Republicans and Republicans of the era are nothing alike and you know it. Republicans are trying to bring back slavery in the form of prison labor.

              • NeuromancerM
                -81 month ago

                They are exactly the same. Democrats still want to divide everyone into racial groups and treat them differently. They’re just upset we took their slaves.

                Prison labor has always been allowed.

                • @P00ptart
                  71 month ago

                  There was a switch in ethics and values. You really think southern racists are still voting Democrat? You’ve got a lot of inward reflecting to do. Shame you managed to propagate.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -71 month ago

                    There as never a switch in ethics or values.

                    Yes I believe racist still vote democrat. That’s why the Neo Nazis endorsed Biden. The Democrats have always been racist and are still the party of racism.