An important question this article ignores, is why private school vouchers are chosen over public schools?

      • @breadsmasher
        6 months ago

        Instead of government funding the education of the population (the current quality being a different topic) you would prefer all education to be privately paid for? In effect removing all education from everyone except those who can afford it?


        “a variety of choices” is just “private schools”?

        • NeuromancerM
          -76 months ago

          Not sure you understand what a voucher is. Do you understand how vouchers work?

          • @breadsmasher
            106 months ago

            Do you understand what “a variety of choices” means?

            • NeuromancerM
              -86 months ago

              Yes I do. You don’t seem to grasp a voucher is public money that allows parents to choose the school that’s best for their children

              They could spend those vouchers on a public school but why? They’d get more value at any other school

              • @breadsmasher
                6 months ago

                Who pays for the voucher?

                “A variety” is actually a selection of schools entirely owned and ran by the elite class of billionaires who owns them? Thats what you prefer?

                edit nevermind. I see your point of view in another comment. “public schools are indoctrination camps”

                I might as well have this discussion with a brick wall instead.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -66 months ago

                  What you are saying is you have no clue how vouchers work. Tax payers pay for the vouchers. If thE average spend is 17k. You get a voucher for 17k. The private school I sent my kid to was 6k a year. That’s a savings of 11k per year and the testing scores were vastly better. The college acceptance rate was 100% with most going in academic scholarships.

                  • @breadsmasher
                    116 months ago

                    So… the government is paying for a voucher for you to then give to a school?

                    Public school with extra steps?

                    Give it a go! Worked wonderfully with private healthcare. Good luck!