TIL that in the work, An Instinct for Dragons, an anthropologist argues that the universality of dragons across human societies is due to evolutionary reasons, with common primate predators being merged into a hybrid monster.

  • @hedgehogging_the_bed
    7 months ago

    Ha! I wrote a paper about the meaning of dragons for a undergrad anthropology college course in 2003 and I cited the heck out of this book. Also Mythical Beasts edited by John Cherry.

    • Simple Jack
      37 months ago

      well we’re waiting_judgesmail.gif I mean…dude. You gotta tell us what you got on the paper. How’d you score?

      • @hedgehogging_the_bed
        47 months ago

        Oh wow. No one ever asks about my undergrad grades anymore. It was a study-abroad in London, UK at Goldsmith’s college. I got whatever a UK “D” was at the time, a 55 or something. Thankfully I came with a study-abroad program guide who gave us a “US Grade Equivalent” sheet at the start which said that was a passing grade and I didn’t worry about it. For the course “Animals In Medieval Art and Literature” which became 3 credits of Anthropology at my local state university in the United States toward a Bachelor’s in Science the following year. I entered grad school 4 months after that in an unrelated field and never used this knowledge for anything but trivia since.