• @TankovayaDiviziya
    1 month ago

    Guys like Musk is why I would prefer to keep low profile. If I am rich, I would not like sycophants bestowing me praises. One of the things I genuinely would not like to happen to me is becoming arrogant and out of touch. I’m no longer religious but I still remember what Christianity taught me. A lot of people don’t really take into heart and mind of good teachings where ever they may come from.

    Edit: clarity

    • @Drivebyhaiku
      1 month ago

      Due to a guy at work spewing right wing radio into my work space for a few weeks before he was stopped I heard a lot of Musk in interviews… It is the most sycophantic non-sense that they pass off as journalism. The framing of the questions are always overflattering (“So we know your new plans for the widget is AWESOME but what can you tell us about…”) and no actual critical questions are even posed.

      A lot of it is that his entire company exists on hype. Critical thinking is trained out of his audience by simple lack of exposure. I imagine if an interviewer were to treat him as anything less than the tech messiah he just doesn’t give them the opportunity. Provided the novel data problems with AI remain unsolved he may find himself in hot water if his audience ever gets wise.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Maybe the arrogant and out of touch tendencies are part of the mental illness that drives somebody to be like him. Not just the right wing bullshit, but the fact that he has to keep accumulating billions too. He can live anywhere and buy anything (except love, lol) and generally do whatever he wants every day for the rest of his life. But no, he has to have multiple jobs fucking up useful companies and keep himself in the news all the damn time.