• @BradleyUffner
    1 month ago

    I saw one in person for the first time last week. It does not look good. Not at all like what the press images show. The panels were not planner, they were all warped and wavey. The gaps between panels were huge and uneven. Honestly, it looked like a reject from a bargain Back to the Future theme park ride, or like a poor quality cosplay piece.

    Maybe the owner just wasn’t taking care of it, but regardless, it looked bad.

    • Dyskolos
      11 month ago

      Lol. Can’t judge yet. I only know it from the handful photos i saw. While the teslas all look horrible, the truck at least had some distinct optics. Probably will never see one where i live, even those murican “trucks” are so very rare here and chuckled upon. Unless it’s a construction- or woodworking-company or something that would need one.

      • @BradleyUffner
        21 month ago

        It’s funny you mention woodworking, as that’s something I have personal experience with. If I showed up at my hardwood dealer / plywood supplier with a cyber truck and tried to load it up with lumber, they would laugh me out of the parking lot. They would never take me seriously again. It’s a completely impractical design for any kind of actual work. I can kind of understand the truck from a fashion accessory point of view, but not from a real world work one. Not at all.

        • Dyskolos
          11 month ago

          Absolutely. Fashion yes, real world lol.

          Recently saw a comparison of one of those murican “trucks” (f150 i think) and some way tinier toyota something, where both had basically the same utility and space, the f150 is just bigggger for now reason (and eats more fuel). Hence u rarely see them here in private hands. People instantly assume your peepee-size 😂 Let alone a hummer 😂😂