they already had blue on blue ambush. some telegram channel listed equipment captured by ukrainians, but that equipment that was ambushed was not, in fact, captured
we don’t know if it was intentional, and with how reliable is the only source of information (ukrainians maintain very tight opsec) that is russian telegram channels, it might be that it perhaps didn’t happen at all. at any rate they may be trying to do it again because i’ve seen another, shorter list after that incident
they already had blue on blue ambush. some telegram channel listed equipment captured by ukrainians, but that equipment that was ambushed was not, in fact, captured
So telegram trolling caused Russians to kill each other? That’s next level…
we don’t know if it was intentional, and with how reliable is the only source of information (ukrainians maintain very tight opsec) that is russian telegram channels, it might be that it perhaps didn’t happen at all. at any rate they may be trying to do it again because i’ve seen another, shorter list after that incident