• Lightor
    5029 days ago

    This is the political landscape in a nutshell. Someone from the left makes a statement backed by reality about bettering society then someone on the right says some childish shit and name calls. How perfect.

      • Lightor
        29 days ago

        Are you even capable of having a mature, adult conversation? Without all this school yard stuff and insults, just facts and we’ll formed stances on topics.

        Let me ask this, after Trump’s time in office what did he accomplish that helps you? You said we’ll having nothing to show, what do you have to show from Trump? He decreased taxes for the rich, so if you’re rich I get it, otherwise I’m curious.

        • sunzu
          -4929 days ago

          None of them every done anything for me that’s why I am not longer voting either party.

          Third party to deny regime legitimacy is my thesis.

          Walz has good record but this a nothing burger since Kamala is the nominee.

          If Walz so good, why not make him the nominee?

          • Lightor
            29 days ago

            They do numerous things that impact you. If you don’t realize this then you’re just uniformed. I don’t say that to be mean, but if you think laws, policies, and elections don’t impact you at all then you’re just wrong. Taxes, medical costs, gas prices through negotiations, involvement in wars, infrastructure bills, holding companies accountable, immigration policies, gun laws, just to name a few. Take whatever things you care most about and I guarantee politics impacts them in some way.

            Walz is good, but he doesn’t have the experience she has. But the VP plays a role in politics and is second in line to the leader of our country, them being a good person is important.

            You seem to be of the mind that they all do nothing and all this discourse is pointless BS, so why are you even here? Why waste your time reading a post title about politics, click into it, then engage in a conversation?

            • sunzu
              -3129 days ago

              None of it benefits me… They are extracting value out of me so yeah sure they are robbing has a bad impact on me lol

              • Lightor
                1229 days ago

                I don’t think you understand how a democracy works.

                • Iapar
                  828 days ago

                  You are wasting your time. But I appreciate the effort.

          • @[email protected]
            1229 days ago

            They’re all the ‘same’ so … still voting for the guaranteed worst in case you’re wrong.

            Are you getting enough sleep?

      • arglebargle
        629 days ago

        So you ever actually read his platform? Look into what he has done? Tim has sound and practical reasons for … guess what… doing the right thing.

        Feed school children for example. Turns out the grades go up and truancy goes down. Juvenile crime goes down. An educated workforce makes for better wages and a happier populace. He will tell you that… in plain English.

        Instead of blaming everyone else and calling names he, you know, fills potholes and offers solutions. He isn’t perfect, but you calling names and acting like an ass with no actuall reasons is just pathetic.