SpaceX’s Starship launches at the company’s Starbase facility near Boca Chica, Texas, have allegedly been contaminating local bodies of water with mercury for years. The news arrives in an exclusive CNBCreport on August 12, which cites internal documents and communications between local Texas regulators and the Environmental Protection Agency.

SpaceX’s fourth Starship test launch in June was its most successful so far—but the world’s largest and most powerful rocket ever built continues to wreak havoc on nearby Texas communities, wildlife, and ecosystems. But after repeated admonishments, reviews, and ignored requests, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) have had enough.

  • @Preacher
    1 month ago

    Not ‘conservatives’

    Nothing conservative about them

    • @daellat
      31 month ago

      I mean they are referred to as conservatives because of their predominantly archaic social and economical laws not because they conserve the ecology

      • @Preacher
        01 month ago

        Their politics are not conservative. They are inflammatory and extremist.

        • @Burn_The_Right
          030 days ago

          Those concepts are not at all mututally exclusive. In fact, they are typically correlated.

          It is not possible for a conservative to enter a conversation or debate in good faith.