
  • @alythOP
    36 months ago

    I’m 20 years away from you, I’ll catch up to you soon!

    • @Etterra
      36 months ago

      Yeah do yourself a favor and follow my example; don’t own a gun or allow one in the house. It’s not that I don’t know gun safety, or that I’m particularly inclined to use it even if it’s around. However, statistically, it’s been proven that the mere access/availability of a firearm increases the likelihoods that someone having a particularly bad depressive episode will use it to commit suicide. Knowing that, it’s literally just not worth the risk.

      That said, there is nothing wrong with owning a firearm in general. If your mental state is not one subject to depressive thoughts, ideation, or tendencies, as long as you’re a responsible gun owner then so be it.