My kid’s just finished the classroom part of driver education and it prompted a discussion of crazy things we’ve seen other drivers do.

The craziest thing I saw, many years ago now, was I came up behind a guy driving a Ford Ranger pickup and could see through his rear window that he was doing tricep extensions with a dumbbell in his right hand. I was more surprised as I passed to see he was shaving with an electric razor in his left hand. I don’t really know how he was steering.

Kiddo said they were told personal grooming was the fourth leading cause of accidents.

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    I remember seeing an article years ago about a person who baked a bunch of cellphone shaped cookies, got pulled over while holding it, and then ate it once the cop came to the window.

    • SanguinePar
      51 month ago

      I’ve always wondered what would happen if you drove along drinking a 0% alcohol beer, and got stopped. Feels like the police would arrest you just for being a PITA.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        1 month ago

        I once got pulled over for drinking a can of Arizona sweet tea. Drove past a speed trap while taking a drink. They lit me up, and I was confused as to why because I wasn’t speeding.

        Cop gets to my window and immediately asks if I’ve been drinking. Not even a “do you know why I pulled you over” or a “how are you tonight?” Just straight to “are you drunk?” I was confused, (and a little offended,) but answered no. He shined his flashlight into my car and asked what was in my cup holder. I turned the can around so he could see the label, and went “Uhh… Tea?” He deflated, have me a curt “have a nice evening” and turned on his heel to head back to his cruiser.

        He 100% thought it was a beer can, and had hyped himself up for the easiest arrest of the evening.

        • SanguinePar
          51 month ago

          Ha, so the lesson there is decant your beer into a tea can and you might get away with it…

          (Not really, please people don’t drink and drive)