We can use text zoom on the whole page, but I don’t need/want the generator page to be bigger, just the code itself. Having separate control over this would be great. My page is designed to look best at a certain kind of zoom level, so I need to keep changing back and forth if I want to see how it looks, know what I mean?

  • @wthit56OP
    23 months ago

    Oh great! Thanks!

    As is my way, I’ve made a little bookmarklet for people to use to let them do this easier. Make a bookmark, then change its address to:

    javascript: if (window.location.host === "perchance.org") { var old_size = localStorage.editorFontSize; var new_size = prompt("What size do you want the code in the editor to be?", localStorage.editorFontSize || ""); if (new_size && new_size !== old_size) { localStorage.editorFontSize = new_size; if (confirm("Font size set. Would you like to refresh the page to see the changes?")) { window.location.reload(); } } } else if (confirm("Would you like to open perchance.org?")) { alert("Use this bookmarklet again when it loads."); window.open("https://perchance.org"); } void (0);

    If not on perchance, opens perchance. If on perchance, asks for a font size, sets it, and optionally refreshes the page. 👍