• @voldage
    3828 days ago

    And lots of people will stop drinking it because of that, and they will be healthier thanks to it.

    • @Got_Bent
      528 days ago

      I know quite a few people who have serious Coke addictions. They will simply refuse to drink any other brand and they go through Trumpian levels of the stuff daily. I don’t know what it is about this particular brand. I’ve never met an RC head, but Coke heads are a dime a dozen, unlike the ten bucks a dozen their drug of choice charges.

      • @[email protected]
        728 days ago

        I know quite a few people who have serious Coke addictions.

        That’s a great way to start a paragraph

      • ArxCyberwolf
        327 days ago

        I used to be like that. Drank 4 litres a day. Thankfully I got sick of feeling like shit all the time because of it and switched to just drinking water.

      • @Illuminostro
        328 days ago

        Mountain Dew. Has more caffeine than coffee.

        • @Got_Bent
          28 days ago


          I never got into that in my teen years because we had Jolt Cola - branded as “all the sugar and twice the caffeine”

          Edit: Now I wonder if people were going into bars back then and ordering a Jack and Jolt, thereby far preceding the Red Bull and vodka.

          • @Illuminostro
            27 days ago

            I remember those, Red Bull. Drank a few, but didn’t notice any side effects.

            Speaking of the Red Bull, one of my ex-girlfriends categorized them perfectly: “It looks and tastes like a diuretic’s piss.” And her father was a MD who specialized in diabetes.

        • @[email protected]
          528 days ago

          Does it? Mountain dew has like 50-60mg of caffeine per 12 oz can, where an average 8oz cup of coffee can have somewhere in the 75-100mg range. A standard double shot espresso drink will have anywhere from 75-150mg.

          Also, I don’t think the caffeine content is the thing to worry about at any rate, I’m more concerned with the 46g of sugar per can.

          • @WordBox
            228 days ago

            Fwiw… Mt Dew Zero has 68mg/12oz. I think regular and diet are 55ish.

          • @Illuminostro
            27 days ago

            I may be wrong, and talking out of my ass, but I know it has a lot of caffeine.

            Anecdote warning: I, due to my autism, get fixated on certain foods, hobbies, whatever, etc. On a job I worked, I decided I liked Mountain Dew for 4 or 5 days, and “wore it out” in American Southern parlance, and then abandoned it. A day later, I noticed I got a headache around 2 PM everyday, for 2 or 3 days.

            I said to my coworker in the truck “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, do I have a brain tumor or am I about to have a stroke?”

            She said “It’s those fucking Mountain Dews you drank for days. They’re loaded with caffeine.”

            I’ve avoided them since. But the Code Red Mountain Dews are delicious.

      • @[email protected]
        228 days ago

        Uff that used to be me. I went cold turkey for about 4 month of just drinking water. It then made me realize how coke isn’t even good.

        • @Got_Bent
          128 days ago

          I stopped drinking soda years ago, but I never actively chose to do so. Somehow, it just happened. Definitely to my benefit, but I’ve long been perplexed how it happened.