• n1ckn4m3
    6 months ago

    Georgia (ya know, a typical battleground state) just made it legal for the voting board to refuse to certify elections indefinitely without any burden of proof of malicious activity. It’s also 3-2 Republican on the voting board, so, I’m 100% sure it doesn’t matter if 100% of people vote for Harris, the Republicans will declare some kind of voting incongruety with absolutely no proof and refuse to certify the election. They’ve already refused to certify several elections in GA when it was illegal to do so and wouldn’t you know it, the Republicans in charge were never held accountable for it – instead they fucking legalized it.

    This is the real threat to our democracy – it’s not an insurrection at the capital, it’s a bunch of loyalist fascist cronies being puppeteered by a madman hell bent on stealing the presidency.