• @UnderpantsWeevil
    191 month ago

    American media has always been a constellation of far right propaganda mascarading as “Fair and Balanced” centrism and mainstream progressive mom and pop outlets being censored as Communist Agitprop.

    It is a major reason why Americans vote so much farther to the right than their polling suggests.

    But to say it is dead? The right wing outlets do incredibly well, precisely because they parrot the corporate line. They bring in oodles of cash and heavily enrich their owners and major contributors.

    Nobody in Russia or India enjoys the kind of financial success and political influence like Murdoch or Sulzberger.

    • @ChicoSuave
      71 month ago

      There needs to be laws on how broadcasters can use their media, like how the Fairness Doctrine was used by the FCC to counter radical bullshit from one side. Conservatives are killing those around them and are too stupid to acknowledge their handiwork and too selfish to stop it.