As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.

  • @Lowpast
    77 months ago

    Absolutely right. Very vile. Hopefully, the lawyers win this and ban binding clauses like this. However, small correction - Disney is claiming this should be handled in an arbitration court - ie, private. They doesn’t mean they won’t pay out for wrongful death, it just means the case isn’t public and others won’t benefit from the outcome. I’m not saying that’s a good thing. Disney is absolutely in the wrong ans hopefully the courts decide clauses like this are illegal. The debator inside of me is also saying, I also probably wouldn’t want this case being public.

    • olivesandpoppies
      57 months ago

      Oh totally - I’m giving the cliff notes version of it, but it’s so evil. My lawyer friend who also hates Disn3y had sent me the links to read. I was appalled, but also not surprised.