• @barsquid
    37 months ago

    I’m trying to learn Podman because Fedora atomic is the way I want to go right now, but getting firewalld to cooperate is enraging. Are you hitting problems other than that?

    • trevor
      27 months ago

      Oddly enough: SELinux and file ownership for bind mounts were pretty hellish for me, even with :z. Granted, that’s definitely on me (skill issue) for having misconfigured SELinux policies, but docker got out of my way.

      Other than that, my gripes about podman have to do with inter-container DNS communication and having to creating systemd services to manage simple container stacks. That last one is a major thorn in my side because the podman CLI used to have a simple command to generate the systemd file for you, but they’re getting rid of it.

      I run containers locally for basic dev work and, on occasion, deploy simple self-hosted services. In both of those cases, I find Podman to be an unnecessary hindrance where Docker isn’t.

      • @barsquid
        27 months ago

        It’s foolish to remove a tool to generate systemd files, running containerized services is one of the main uses of tools like these. That is a big disappointment.