Those close to Donald Trump fear the former president “may have legit PTSD” from the assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last month.

That’s according to a Vanity Fair report published Wednesday that claimed those in Trump’s inner circle have noticed that he’s become fixated on a seven-second clip that shows the moment he nearly lost his life.

“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” said a Republican close to the campaign, reported Vanity Fair.

  • @AFaithfulNihilist
    27 months ago

    They don’t see it that way. This is another “black helicopter” thing where they just assume it’s part of the CommieLib-MkUltra-Deepstate and that every piece of evidence that runs contrary to that narrative is so obviously manufactured by Nancy Pelosi using a 3D printed, Jewish-space-neuralizer organized by AOC to delete her feet pictures off the internet.

    It’s clearly just aconspiracy to ruin the lives of the UberMerican loud minority of manly lifted truck driving estranged fathers wearing Izod Sport jackets with iron-on bald eagles and American flags.

    If he were a real Republican® Christian© American™, he wouldn’t have done a violence, but if he had, his aim would have been true, and and he would have gotten away.