• @meliante
    7 months ago

    Like the article says in the first sentence, heuristics “is any approach to problem solving that employs a pragmatic method”. Looking at fractions and assuming that the big number is larger is not a pragmatic method, it’s a completely smoothbrain approach. I can’t even comprehend how you think that’s a good approach to fractions. It’s just flummoxing.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I think we just disagree on the level something has to be to be considered “pragmatic”. Almost all numbers we deal with in a daily basis are not fractions, so it’s very natural to develop a shortcut to quickly look at digits to compare numbers. That is a practical approach.

      Now, if you don’t get too stuck on the word “pragmatic” but actually finish the sentence, you might find it to be more applicable.

      Or maybe even look at the wikipedia page for heuristics from a psychological perspective:


      • @meliante
        07 months ago

        Yes, I disagree that looking at a fraction and thinking “bigger number = larger number” is heuristic. It’s just really extremely dumb and I can’t even.

        That’s it. There’s no argument, although you seem to think there is.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          That’s exactly it: heuristics are mental shortcuts. It’s about avoiding the thinking part. No, I don’t think that larger digits mean larger numbers in every case. But when scanning over multiple numbers without putting thought into it, it is a shortcut which works most of the time.

          It’s not fully logical. It might even be considered dumb. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit the description of the word. That’s just not how words work.

          • @meliante
            7 months ago

            You seem to be ignoring the problem solving part. If it doesn’t provide a response in the ballpark of the true solution it is not heuristic, it’s just wrong line of thought.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              No, it’s the correct line of thought in most cases, as most numbers we work with on a daily basis are not fractions. This might be skewed differently in the US, but it’s a solution which works in most cases. Heuristics are not necessarily perfect solutions and additional considerations need to be applied when they fail.

              • @meliante
                07 months ago

                Heuristics is not most cases mate, get that through that thick skull of yours. Heuristic is about solving a problem, the problem in this case being “which of these fractions represents the largest number?”.

                Jesus fucking Christ on a toast!

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  You’re discarding all the sources and arguments we’re discussing, insulting me with childish language and throwing a hissy fit. I thought we had a reasonable discussion going, but this is obviously over.

                  Good day.

      • @meliante
        07 months ago

        I believe that’s the jist of it. Heuristic is a way to get a roughly correct answer to a specific problem. If it doesn’t provide a response that stays in the same ballpark of the real solution to the problem it’s not heuristic, it’s just a wrong train of thought.