• The Quuuuuill
    251 month ago
    • Smut Peddlars
    • The Misfits
    • Sex Pistols
    • Ramones

    All display right wing politics and achieved fame. The overall punk scene, yeah, is overwhelmingly leftist, which from my perspective is right and good, but we do need to be honest about the fact that Nazi punks both exist AND can fuck off

    • @nyctre
      81 month ago

      Aside from smut peddlars, haven’t all of those mostly achieved fame first and then revealed to be right wingers? Not super familiar with the scene so I may be wrong.

      • cabbage
        1 month ago

        I guess you’re also a different person when you’re younger than 25 and playing in a punk band with no money, compared to a few years later when you cash in on old glory and gradually develop into more of an old fart with every passing day.

        You grow up and you calm down and workin’ for the clampdown.

    • cabbage
      41 month ago

      I think Johnny Rotten just lost his marbles as he got older. Live a long life of saying unfiltered controversial statements and you’ll wake up one day just being an old conservative fart. But at that point he’s hardly a representative of the punk movement.

      As for Johnny Ramone… Yeah, point well taken. Still, one could argue it’s at least a different ballpark than the America first Kid Rock lunatics, but it’s meager comfort.

      The Misfits and the Smut Peddlars I don’t know well enough to comment on.