Oh no! Such horrors!

  • FlashMobOfOne
    457 months ago

    If only that were true.

    In the US, people like to assert that we have “access” to health care, but that access is subject to a significant paywall, and therefore doesn’t exist if you can’t afford to be price-gouged.

    • Chris
      207 months ago

      Even with insurance I had to fork over ,$2k for an MRI. I have no idea what I’m gonna do if I actually need surgery

      • Maple Engineer
        7 months ago

        I’m a Candian here so take my advice for what is worth. Vote Democrat as cross the board.

        I have cancer. Hodgkins Lymphoma. A felt a lump in my neck on Friday. Called the doctors office on Monday and saw the doctor on Wednesday. In the next two months I had an ultrasound that was, “worrying” followed up by a chest x-ray and full body CT. That necessitated a biopsy which resulted in the positive diagnosis of Hodgkins. That triggered a PET scan, respiratory study, and echocardiogram. I saw my oncologist a week after the PET scan and started chemo two days later. I just had my second infusion this morning and I’m feeling a bit beaten up. They gave me Ondensetron for the night after chemo and Olanzapine for nausea as needed. All I pay for is parking at the hospital and I can claim that on my taxes.

        Universal healthcare is really, really hard to implement. That’s why only 22 of the 23 most developed countries in the world have it.

        The US health care system is a grotesque lie.

        • @[email protected]
          -57 months ago

          If you’re got universal health care, I don’t see how that would lead to voting for Democrats?

          • Maple Engineer
            107 months ago

            I’m a Candian. I’m suggesting that voting for Democrats would be far more likely to get you universal healthcare than voting for the neo-fascist Christian nationalists.

            • FlashMobOfOne
              27 months ago

              Sadly, it is not.

              Democrats could have implemented a universal health care system under Obama, but chose not to. They, as much as Republicans, are profiting from the price gouging in our health care system.

              • Maple Engineer
                17 months ago

                They didn’t do it last time so vote neo-fascist Christian national because they surely will? Give you fucking head a shake.

                • FlashMobOfOne
                  17 months ago

                  They didn’t do it last time.

                  Respectfully, it’s not “they didn’t do it last time”. It’s “they never do it”. It’s never going to happen. Democrats have demonstrated that they are just a corrupt cog in the system, a system that ensures the wealthy keep acquiring vulgar sums of money they don’t need, while life gets harder and harder for the working class and the poor.

      • @The_v
        87 months ago

        Take a really close look at your insurance policy.

        They fuck you over at the beginning with deductible. Then the out-of-pocket maximums come into play. The maximium you can be responsible for is $9,450. More than enough to bankrupt most people. My plan is at $4k per person through my wife’s union job.

        Depending on what state you live in you can apply for income based bill reduction as well. These are common in blue states. In red states, consider dying.

        • Chris
          27 months ago

          I’ll check thank you. I really shouldn’t be complaining. I have a good job and decent healthcare and the issue I am working is not life threatening. Someone with less good healthcare and a chronic disease are fucked over much harder :(

      • FlashMobOfOne
        67 months ago

        I’m sorry you (and all of us) are stuck with this system.