“It was hiding in the celery," said DEA Special Agent in Charge Robert Murphy. "Obviously, we threw away the celery. That didn’t make it to the store.”

  • @ripcord
    11 month ago

    So you just threatened to eradicate me and my “kind”, whoever that is. I see.

    • @4lan
      11 month ago

      Don’t put words in my mouth. I am non-violent, I have never even laid my hands on another human in my 35 years of life. I own firearms for defense only.

      I want to have you deported to the nation of your ancestors

      • @ripcord
        11 month ago

        That certainly sounds like a threat.

        • @4lan
          1 month ago

          oh my god go back to reddit if you want to play the victim card. find your echo chamber and safe space You still can’t argue the points, but instead come at me personally.

          Why are Republicans so obsessed about immigrant crime when they commit less than us??? We would literally dilute the violence per-capita by increasing immigration.

          You heard talking points that jive with your existing feelings about hispanic people and now you have blinders on. Why are people able to live like that? how do you lie to yourself?

          • @ripcord
            11 month ago

            When did I come at you personally?

            The only thing I’ve said is that the one comment you made didn’t make your previous argument suddenly valid. And implied that your vitriol was boring.

            The rest of the things you seem to have assumed about me - making personal attacks, etc - appear to be pretty wild assumptions.