• VodkaSolution
    55 months ago

    I’m with the Venezuelans, but literally no one who said to leave the country if political_events_happens ever really left.

    • @Siegfried
      5 months ago

      Ehm… venezuelans were leaving Venezuela in hordes for the last decade or so.

      There are +7M expatriates roaming the globe. The ones with more wealth had better chances and made it out on a flight. Less lucky ones had to do it crossing the borders either in a vehicle or by foot.

      Here in Buenos Aires there are hundred of thousands of them and the stories they tell are terrifying, but they still have family members that for different reasons had to stay behind.

      I think you are right generally speaking, but in this case i believe that they will do so.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      Yeah. I’m considering leaving the US if Trump wins again… but I highly doubt I’ll actually do it. Even with the Republicans, the US has one of the highest standards of living in the world (at least in my part of the country).

      • @Siegfried
        65 months ago

        I can’t comprehend how suseptible to corruption a democracy is. I tended to think that low education levels where to blame for this, but i dont think that anymore. Every democracy in the world seems to be on the brink of destruction, independently of how well prepared or not their population is. It’s 2, 4 or 6 years and then an ellection praying for the evil half of the voting pool not to win.

        In my country there were “barriers” put into our contitution to stop concentration of power and help in the small posibility of a freaking mafia taking over the government. They worked to some extent, but at some point, “that” 50% of the people started asking for those barriers to be overseen.

        A junta member from the 70s here paraphrased an old saying, “volks get the governments they deserve”. He was an asshole, but he was right.

      • @ripcord
        25 months ago

        What options do.you have to go?