The Food and Drug Administration has just approved a medical device that wouldn’t look out of place in the latest Star Trek installment. On Thursday, the FDA cleared Cresilon Inc’s Traumagel as an emergency treatment to control moderate to severe bleeding. The gel is expected to reach shelves later this year.

The product uses a proprietary algae-derived hydrogel technology developed by the Brooklyn-based company. This is the second gel-based treatment successfully pushed through by Cresilon, following the FDA’s clearance of its Hemostatic Gel in June 2023. While that gel was cleared to patch up small nicks and cuts, Traumagel is intended to mend bleeding from much more serious injuries like gunshot wounds, stabbings, and car crashes.

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    Medical breakthroughs are one of the few areas in news where I consistently feel good about the world.