• @Madison420
    -17 months ago

    What source are you using for these metrics you keep clinging to without sourcing.

    What proof at all do you have of these claims you’ve again failed to source.

    Your source about peace talks you claim were sabotaged says otherwise, choose a lane.

    Oh so we’re just ignoring a chronic history of broken peace agreements and multiple invasions in what 40 years? Again choose a lane.

    • Bobr
      7 months ago

      What source are you using for these metrics you keep clinging to without sourcing.

      For my claim that the percentage of people involuntarily fighting the war? Just the logic. If you find my logic unsound, I’d very much like to hear why.

      What proof at all do you have of these claims you’ve again failed to source.

      About what exactly? People being kidnapped on the streets and being forbidden to leave the country so they try to escape through rivers/mountains, or about something else?
      https://uadraftmuseum.ch/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/ukraine-urgently-needs-soldiers-but-some-men-are-desperate-not-to-fight/ar-BB1naQUE https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russia-war-recruitment/32310040.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66542065 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/15/bribes-and-hiding-at-home-the-ukrainian-men-trying-to-avoid-conscription

      Your source about peace talks you claim were sabotaged says otherwise, choose a lane.

      Quote needed. Please stop putting words in my mouth :). I’ve said that the west (and especially Boris Johnson) encouraged Zelensky to go to war instead of making peace, linked article talks exactly about that.

      • @Madison420
        07 months ago

        You feel therefore it’s true huh? You know the punishment for draft dodging is a fine and you can leave the country if you give up citizenship.

        All of those are secondhand accounts notably some by successful draft dodgers.

        That would be sabotaging a peace talk dumb dumb, do you need everything to be word for word or are you at all capable of critical thought and basic inference.

        • Bobr
          17 months ago

          You feel therefore it’s true huh?

          Let’s try that once again: I’ve backed what I said with logic. If you find my logic flawed - I’d very much like to hear about it.

          You know the punishment for draft dodging is a fine

          That’s false.
          3-5 years of prison time.

          you can leave the country if you give up citizenship

          That’s impossible do in practice.

          All of those are secondhand accounts notably some by successful draft dodgers.

          Please link it.

          • @Madison420
            17 months ago

            To be based in logic you would need evidence, what you’re using is emotion and inference.

            Yes, your source also says it’s a fine and potential imprisonment after several violations. Not getting grabbed off the street as you so claim but only have anecdotal evidence of. If you don’t want to fight and won’t be an objector then renounce, move to the border (if you survive that long) and seek asylum literally anyone can do that. You’re confusing being forced to make a very hard choice with not having any choice.

            They’re your links! Just look at your comment and read the links you provided one of which includes your grabbed off the street account given by a draft dodger talking about something he heard second hand. None of those accounts are first hand of someone “grabbed off the street”.

            • Bobr
              7 months ago

              To be based in logic you would need evidence, what you’re using is emotion and inference.

              No, I’m using evidence, but as you are ignoring it (and even calling hundreds of cases - one case…) - let me link it once again :)

              https://uadraftmuseum.ch/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/ukraine-urgently-needs-soldiers-but-some-men-are-desperate-not-to-fight/ar-BB1naQUE https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russia-war-recruitment/32310040.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66542065 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/15/bribes-and-hiding-at-home-the-ukrainian-men-trying-to-avoid-conscription

              Not getting grabbed off the street as you so claim but only have anecdotal evidence of.

              Again, I’ve linked evidence, you just choose to ignore it.

              If you don’t want to fight and won’t be an objector then renounce, move to the border (if you survive that long) and seek asylum literally anyone can do that.

              I’ve already told you that it is impossible, and linked evidence, and you’ve ignored it. But once again, let me link it again.

              • @Madison420
                17 months ago

                None of those have firsthand accounts, quote one and prove me wrong.

                The use of deprive and lose negate that dipshit argument. Your sources say the state can’t deprive you of citizenship or make you stateless, you can however choose to be stateless.

                Not one of those includes talking to an actual person who was grabbed, we’ve already discussed this.

                Again that says what the state can’t do, not what you can do.


                • Bobr
                  7 months ago

                  None of those have firsthand accounts, quote one and prove me wrong

                  I’m trying to understand what you imagine it like. BBC taking an interview of someone who was grabbed off the street? The chances of it are close to zero because 1) those who are grabbed off the streets are sent to die, not go give interviews 2) it’s not a topic that would be interesting to the western audience, because probanly nobody would be shocked by it and people are going to justify it by “oh well Zelensky needs to do that because he is a good guy fighting bad guys”, just like they do it on lemmy. 3) it is simply not in the interest of media to capture this, because it would go against the west narrative.

                  You disregard available evidence because you don’t like it, and instead ask for unrealistic.

                  Your sources say the state can’t deprive you of citizenship or make you stateless, you can however choose to be stateless.

                  Let me quote the piece of the article that literally says otherwise.

                  Вихід допускається, якщо

                  особа набула громадянство іншої держави 
                  або отримала документ, виданий уповноваженими органами іншої держави, про те, що громадянин України набуде її громадянство, якщо вийде з громадянства України. 
                  • @Madison420
                    17 months ago

                    There’s no evidence for it against so dispite that you’re certain it’s one way and not the other. You’re not willing to give a country that’s being invaded the benefit of a doubt… I see why you fled you’re a sympathizer.