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Last night Organic Maps was removed from the Play Store without any warnings or additional details due to "not meeting the requirements for the Family Program". Compared to Google Maps and other maps apps rated for 3+ age, there are no ads or in-app purchases in Organic Maps. We have asked for an appeal.
As a temporary workaround for the Google Play issue, you can install the new upcoming Google Play update from this link:
I recently started a trek to de-googleify it’s going to be a long road.
I pulled down all the big free map contenders.
They’ll all, without a doubt, will get me to the grocery store down the road.
They’re all pretty decent at obeying one-way streets and u-turn limits.
More mixed results on business hours.
Most of them start having trouble on really long distance trips.
Many are missing creature comforts like multi-stop planning, I’m not sure which if any support dynamic remapping due to traffic.
The ones I were playing with did not provide me lane guidance on which lanes go left and right.
If Google maps and Waze stopped working tomorrow I could still use most of the free-ish street map variants, but I would miss a lot of features.
That’s a damn good review from my point of view, thanks!
I agree, they’re totally viable.
While you have to look elsewhere to do it, yelp or a browser answer the hours question.