• @Red_October
    517 months ago

    They think it’s a hoax meant to funnel money into the pockets of scammers pushing these new green techs. They think it’s just enriching liars who want to vilify things these people loved, all while making things somehow worse. Their vision isn’t of a better future, they see a scammer getting rich while their power goes out every time it’s cloudy outside or the wind stops.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      157 months ago

      its true, I love oil SO MUCH and these climate scientists are just SO MEAN to oil, it makes me sad. im sad for my friend, oil.

      good thing we can always trust oil execs. they’re such honest guys!

    • @buddascrayon
      57 months ago

      It’s really funny that you bring up the rolling blackouts. I’m assuming you are meaning in Texas, but since wind and solar there have been perfectly consistent while it is the coal burning plants that have been failing to meet the needs of the state and crashing their janky power grid your point is really quite stupid.

    • experbia
      17 months ago

      it’s so fucked how often they’re right to be suspicious about motives but only apply that suspicion to other industries or groups who aren’t trying to trick them, and never their own, which are. I guess the first step a cult must take is immunize people against being affected by any other outside forces, malicious or not. they’ll always implicitly trust the cult leaders who “let them in” on how their control works.