• @Aceticon
    -427 months ago

    I’m sorry but a guy supporting the Zionist ethno-Fascists who are way more racists and murderous than the Ku Klux Klan to the point of targeting Palestinian children with snipers, has no moral high-ground to use the Ku Klux Klan as example of horrible racist people because he himself is way much worse: his moral “high-ground” is the mountain of blood children’s remains with an Israeli flag on top that he helped build with weapon shipments and diplomatic cover for the Zionist Genocide.

    This fucking Nazi-loving disgusting hypocrite sociopath should shut up and let Kamala do her thing.

      • @Aceticon
        7 months ago

        That too!

        Just as much a sociopath as Biden, probably more - Biden’s love for Fascism and Fascist violence is indirect, whilst Putin’s is very much direct: Putin is doing the deed himself whilst Biden is “only” giving weapons and support to those doing the deed.

    • Allah
      -317 months ago

      zionists are not nazis stop dehumanizing people

      we care about palestinians more than palestinians themselves, most zionists want 2 state solution where as palestinians want only one state

      • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
        157 months ago

        Damn, you really swallowed the Israelian propaganda pill didn’t you?

        “we care about palestinians more than palestinians themselves”

        Do you even hear yourself? How on Earth can you think any person doesn’t value their own life? Let alone a whole group of them with the only thing in common that they live in a certain area.

        And the Palestinians aren’t the ones who make sure they are starving to death, getting dehydrated with no access to medicine, and they aren’t blowing up their own buildings.

        I hope every single zionist to be treated the way they treat Palestinians.

        • Allah
          7 months ago

          well in the concept of jihad. islamists think that dying and killing for the cause of allah is good and islamist leaders have also said that they will fight to the last palestinian

          look i don’t care about what who says our priority should be stopping palestinians from comiting actions that are counter productive to their cause, that includes armed struggle, which only results in them loosing everytime and that gives the right wing a green card to make themselves look like the victim to expand illegal settlement in west bank.

          regarding the starvation even UN agrees that there is no famine in gaza

          see this as well please please do not believe everything you see on ticktock

          and we need to stop villanizing others whether they are pro-palestine or pro-israel

          • @Aceticon
            57 months ago

            Your extreme racism is coming through loud and clear in how you slander all Palestinians as Islamists and then use that to justify the cold-blooded murder of men, women and children.

            Only Racists make claims about the evilness of an entire ethnic group based on the evilness of some of them and only Extreme Racists then justify mass murder along ethnic lines with such prejudiced generalizations.

            • Allah
              -57 months ago

              i was actually talking about their leaders and not all of them

              • @Ensign_Crab
                47 months ago

                Your initial assertion contains no such distinction:

                we care about palestinians more than palestinians themselves

                • Allah
                  -27 months ago

                  i was refering that palestinians vote for parties that want them to die for their selfish cause that is only filled with blind hate

                  • @Ensign_Crab
                    47 months ago

                    The last time Gazans voted was 2006. Your justification for genocide is garbage. Genocide of a people is not “caring about them more than they care about themselves” and the mere suggestion is disgustingly Orwellian.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        17 months ago

        Don’t absolve humanity of its crimes by trying to pretend nazis weren’t humans. Humans are capable of monstrous evil, of which nazis are one of far too many examples. Another example is the sort of person who would defend a genocidal apartheid regime as caring about its victims.