1. I enjoy games, is bluffing such as in poker forbidden? I don’t gamble.

  2. Where do I start?

  3. I don’t understand meditation. Maybe I’m not doing it correctly?

  4. Where does the Buddhist code vs religion start. For example I was told you could for example be a Christian/Muslim/Jew/Tao/Hindu/exct and Buddhist.

  5. Why do you personally feel this religion is real? Is there something that made you drawn to it?

  • @Zachariah
    36 months ago

    For #2, I’d recommend books by Thích Nhất Hạnh as they are written very plainly, so they are accessible to anyone.

    The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching Is a good overview of Buddhism.

    The audiobook of The Art of Mindful Living gives practical ways to affect your awareness.

    I’d actually recommend starting with the second one.A bunch more of his books are great, too.