• @simplymathOP
    7 months ago

    well, for other security research, they often rely on things like timestamps (even state sponsored hackers have nights and weekends), typos that only make sense with certain keyboards, and who is targeted. For example, Russian keyboarss don’t have the : symbol, so the :) emoji is usually typed as “))”, which can be a dead giveaway that the hacker uses a a Slavic language keyboard.

    However, let’s not pretend for a second that disinformation and propaganda are only pushed by the listed countries. I’m old enough to remember when lies pushed by the Bush administration to the New York Times that were used to manufacturer public consent for the Iraq war.

    Or how NATO promises they’re supporting Ukraine out of the goodness of their hearts and that it has absolutely nothing to do with their abundant natural gas supplies that are currently being sold off to oil companies based in NATO countries. (Slava Ukraini, for the record, but fuck the oil companies).


      • @simplymathOP
        27 months ago

        Yeah. Agreed. I just thought the Iraq war would be a great example because it is now pretty universally recognized as a major fuck up in US policy that lead to the deaths of around a million people and the eventual rise of the Islamic State. I mean, if you look up civilian casualty numbers in Ukraine vs Iraq and account for the shorter timeline (at least, since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine), the US is worse than Russia by a wide margin. And let’s not talk about Gaza or how to the US funnelled arms and funds to right wing nationalist groups in the former Yugoslavia before bombing civilian infrastructure in Belgrade in the name of preventing the genocide that the US helped to inflame and escalate. Hell, the shells that were dropped on Sarajevo in 1996 by the Serbian militias were given/sold to them by the US (during the cold war) and then they also sold arms to National separatist groups that are themselves accused of acts of genocide.

    • @takeda
      07 months ago

      Seems like OP is such a but, notice how he immediately turned “but West is even worse, they should just let Russia start unprovoked war on their borders”. BTW they love to work in pairs to help validate the message, and that’s the case with The other 2 week old account.

      Also: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81gVk1cpHCL.jpg

      And Ukraine relatively recently discovered the gas on their land. They had no time to build any infrastructure, because Russia invaded shortly after in 2014. Also Russia is occupying those territories since then, so nothing is being sold even if they wanted to.

      • @simplymathOP
        27 months ago

        Unless you think Russia is capable of hacking google maps…

        Here’s an oil field owned by Halliburton in Ukraine. https://g.co/kgs/F7e761g

        For those of us not old enough to remember, Halliburton got famous for being deeply connected to George W. Bush’s Vice President, Dick Cheney, and profited massively from the Iraq war.

            • @takeda
              07 months ago

              Yeah, it is to increase internal gas production as they don’t want to purchase gas from Russia (which they stopped in 2015) as well as from Europe. Ukraine currently is not exporting any gas due to war as it needs to make sure they have enough.

              Maybe they hope they will make a killing once the war is over, but they are not making money “pumping gas out of Ukraine” right now. So the war actually is standing in the way of their profits.

              • @simplymathOP
                7 months ago

                My Lord. Type “Halliburton oil Ukraine” into Google maps and look at the god-damned oil field that’s owned by a US company. Or look at how the US has has record natural gas exports every year since 2014.

                Or look up how the US weapons weren’t given to Ukraine. They were sold and those loans must be paid back. Britain and Russia didn’t pay back their WW2 lend-lease debts until 2006.

                The US is making a killing on this conflict. Ukrainians are also dying for their nation, but two things can be true at the same time. Anyone who isn’t a moron can see that.

                • @takeda
                  07 months ago

                  I think your mute is broken.

      • @simplymathOP
        7 months ago

        lol. nah, homey. it’s a 7 month old account from the reddit exodus. Ukraine discovered natural gas in Crimea in 2014, threatening to box out Russia from the EU energy market, which is why it’s an existential threat for Russia if Ukraine pivots west. Consequently, Russia invaded. Here is a Wikipedia article that discusses the Shell-backed exploration of the gas field off the coast of Crimea.


        Who the fuck said anything about supporting Russia? Genocidal regimes focused on the extraction of fossile fuels are fucked-- whether you’re talking Saudi Arabia, The US, or Russia. For the love of god, please educate yourself about the hypocrisy of US foreign policy. I’m really sorry that you can’t see beyond the binary worldview you’ve hinted to here.

        If I was a pro-Russia bot, why would I post this on an article, I posted, mocking Iranian hackers?

        Do you not realize that Iran is selling drones to Russia to bomb Ukraine?

        Do you not realize that Iran only has said drone technology because they captured a US drone flying over Pakistan and reverse engineered it? Seems like if the ill-informed war of terror never happened, Iran wouldn’t have drones and Russia wouldnt be using them in Ukraine to murder civilians. The world is way more complicated than the black and white worldview you’ve alluded to.

        Fuck Putin, fuck the us department of defense and fuck the police (just for good measure). Is that clear enough for you?

      • @simplymathOP
        7 months ago

        Lol. you should check out that keyboard again. It’s a Qwerty AND Cyrillic keyboard which clearly shows the the Cyrillic letter ж uses the same key as the ;/: button on qwerty.

        In before this person uses the fact that I know how to type a Unicode character as “proof” of my bot-ness.

        I think you’ll find my post history about Linux, volunteering with refugees, and pictures of museums to be consistent with my anti-war stance and offer a hint as to why I know a bunch of historical facts.

        • @takeda
          07 months ago

          Show me that keyboard.

            • @takeda
              17 months ago

              You first said they didn’t have a colon.

              Also even if that was true you acted like they can’t get a standard qwerty keyboard.

              But sure, call someone a moron instead of owning your mistake.

          • @simplymathOP
            17 months ago

            you mean the photo you shared? I’m confused. There are Qwerty letters on the left side of each key cap and Cyrillic on the right, or were you under the impression that Cyrillic uses both alphabets?