For example, a band like Joy Division. Two masterpiece albums in the form of Unknown Pleasures and Closer, and the untimely death of Ian Curtis cut it all short. They were even heading into the direction that New Order eventually went in, and it would have been interesting to see what Ian Curtis would have done if they fully made the leap into electronic music while he was still alive.

  • @Clbull
    1 year ago


    They never got the same amount of recognition as other SoCal pop punk acts from the same era. Likely because Start Static was a phenomenal debut album, but the next (and last) two they followed it up with were kinda shit. Memory and Dead Living were the only two good songs that came out of Palm Trees And Power Lines and Lights Out respectively - and it’s no surprise they fell off the face of the planet.

    Would love to see them record a new album.

    I would’ve also said The Higher but they got back together recently and put out this banger.