First of all this isn’t an anti-weed post, I use weed regularly and enjoy it. What I’m arguing against is occasional use, once a month or less, at that level your tolerance usually resets between uses. The thing they don’t tell you in health class is tolerance goes both ways, you become tolerant to both the positives and negatives of use. For weed the negative im referring to is anxiety, though short term memory loss also goes down with more regular use. Whenever I take a break and then start doing weed again I get way too in my head and anxious which usually goes away after a couple sessions. This has also become worse with modern legal strains that have become way too concentrated. Dispensary edibles are a bit better since you can dose them easier but even then the longer the time in between uses the more likely you’ll forget what’s a good dosage. I see this a lot with friends who don’t regularly do weed and they smoke with me, get way too high, have a bad time and then won’t do it again for a while and repeat the cycle. So for those type of people I’d recommend not doing weed at all or doing it more regularly so you can keep your tolerance up. No shame in picking either but the middle ground kinda sucks.

EDIT: a lot of people are saying get lower percentage strains or higher CBD ones, to that I’d say I wish I could. I always try and get the lowest percentage stuff I can find at the dispensary and that stuffs still usually in the high teens percent THC with less then a percent CBD here in SF. So I guess part of this is just a rant on how stupidly concentrated modern weed is and how it leaves little margin for error.

  • @Dasus
    177 months ago

    Youre smoking weed without any CBD in it.

    If you’re an occasional smoker and anxiety is a problem then try CBD high strains, as CBD attenuates the effects of THC.

    • @[email protected]OP
      37 months ago

      I wish I could find shit with high CBD. Edibles are usually better for this and I can usually find a 1:1 CBD: THC but for bud it’s either 25% THC and 0.6% CBD or 14% THC with no CBD.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Pro tip: Go to the nearest hemp shop and get some CBD flower, mix it in with your regular high-THC bud at a 1:1 ratio. There’s not a ton of 50/50 THC/CBD strains floating around, so if you want the chill effects you gotta take matters into your own hands.

      • @Dasus
        37 months ago


        I live in a country which still has very backwards attitudes and laws about cannabis, so I grow my own, and I grow a strain that has a 1:1 relation of CBD:THC.

        CBD is very undervalued when it comes to using cannabis to get high and very overvalued when it comes to using CBD without any THC.

    • bizarroland
      27 months ago

      I myself am a thcv evangelist. Every strain that I have tried that had high thcv content in it like Durban Poison or tansie have always been really positive uplifting euphoric highs that don’t give you the munchies and drift away gently when they are done.

      I am a very occasional user, I have probably smoked weed four times this year, maybe five. I live in a legal state so I can go to the dispensary and pay cash for my stuff.

      Other more hardcore weed smokers that I occasionally hang out with have mentioned that the weed that I have purchased is very good and very enjoyable when smoked in a social setting.

      Ask around and see if you can find a high THC v content strain for your next recreational enjoyment experience.

        • bizarroland
          27 months ago

          Almost seems like dosing yourself with CBD when consuming cannabis might lead to a more pleasant experience all in all.

          CBD has never had any effect on me that I am aware of, but I’ve never taken CBD in addition to THC

          • @Dasus
            7 months ago

            You didn’t even watch the video, or bother to really read my comment or look up information on the matter. Noooo, you’ll just assert a thing.

            CBD has never had any effect on me that I am aware of

            Why won’t you just look things up before writing these things?


            Edit I apologize for being such a massive dick to you but this is a personal peeve of mine