credit to EL_Radical

  • @WoahWoah
    930 days ago

    Their point is that you’ll find it difficult to “demolish both” the state and concentrations of wealth and power “simultaneously” when you’re fighting through billionaire-owned militias. Good luck.

    • cacheson
      930 days ago

      when you’re fighting through billionaire-owned militias

      That’s what the state is.

    • @[email protected]
      30 days ago

      Radical social change is always difficult. But if you’re implying that authoritarianism is more effective at defeating capitalism, I disagree, and I think there’s strong evidence from history that undermines such a hypothesis.

      That said, I think for anarchism to succeed there does need to be a sort of balance and destructive competition between the existing powers of the state and private ownership (or foreign states as we see in Rojava). Anarchists should observe and act with this dynamic in mind to prevent the total domination of any one structure over society, as this will be much more difficult to overcome. But eventually the goal is to build social power that is greater than either of them put together.