When I was a teenager, I used to recall my earlier childhood memories being rose tinted and almost dreamlike, now that I’m in my early 20s, my memories of my early to middle teenage years are also becoming dreamy and rose tinted in a way. Does anyone experience this? Is it possible that I will I remember my early adult years in the same way?

  • dumptruckdan
    102 years ago

    Somewhat. I still have some of the visual images in my head, but the memory of how I felt at those times is gone or very faded. Often the memories feel, not exactly dreamlike, but like I am looking at a diorama or one of those paperweights that has a scene encased in resin, forever visible but inaccessible.

    I’ve started to forget my dad’s voice a bit and it scares me. I don’t want to forget anything about him ever.

    My therapist said that you don’t really remember things, you just remember the last time you remembered them. Like a copy of a copy. And that’s how memories get distorted over time. So it’s like, am I ruining those memories by remembering them, like a tape you play over and over til you wear it out? Or should I play the tapes anyway in case I hit my head or have a stroke or something and lose a bunch of them?