Angry Russians displaced after Ukraine crossed the border and invaded the Kursk region last week have vented their frustrations online to President Vladimir Putin.

The criticisms represent an unusually public show of defiance in a country where any cracks at the leader or military can draw harsh punishments.

  • g0zer
    324 days ago

    Are you incapable of grasping that the LLM wrote a total of like 3 sentences in a 3 paragraph comment?

    And yea, the fact that you can’t seem to google 3 words and read a couple articles instead of being purposefully obtuse reeks of intellectual laziness.

    Sorry, not sorry.

    • Flying SquidM
      124 days ago

      “I wasn’t being lazy because I only used the lie machine a little bit.”


      • g0zer
        324 days ago

        So you don’t have an actual argument, you’re just going to prop up the LLM strawman instead?

        Is what I said wrong? Or are your feelings hurt because I used a tool to summarize something?

        • Flying SquidM
          124 days ago

          You are now flagrantly violating our incivility rule. If you wish to continue this discussion, do not violate it again. If you do not wish to continue it, that is fine.

          • g0zer
            24 days ago

            Lmao, what authority do you hold?

            So, calling out blatant logical fallacies is not being civil?

            Ok buddy, you do you…

            • Flying SquidM
              -124 days ago

              The authority of my being a moderator in this community.

              This was the uncivil part:

              Or are your feelings hurt because I used a tool to summarize something?

              Please read the rules in the sidebar. Specifically, rule 5.

              • g0zer
                224 days ago

                And that’s different from this in what way?

                -“I wasn’t being lazy because I only used the lie machine a little bit.”

                Practice what you preach.

                • Flying SquidM
                  024 days ago

                  That would have been after you had called me lazy, would it not? I was pointing out that you were doing what you were calling me. It was demonstrative.

                  Do you think it is wise to continue down this hostile path with me? I think you would do best to walk away before you do something you shouldn’t.

                  • g0zer
                    224 days ago

                    Your argument is intellectually lazy, I stand by what I said.

                    I’m only mirroring your attitude friend, ban me if you want. Plenty of other places I can take my opinion. You would think as a mod you would want to foster participation in the community, and not get hung up on something so petty.

                    You came at me aggressively off the bat; if you can’t admit that, then we aren’t ever going to see eye to eye.

                    Screenshotting this whole thread.