• @feedum_sneedson
      1 month ago

      I’m a lefty, it’s funny, I won’t be changing it. I also use the OK hand gesture and won’t be changing that, either. You can consider these things a “dog whistle” if you want, but you will be incorrect.

      • Todd Bonzalez
        01 month ago

        Are you denying the existence of fascist dog whistles? That’s literally the point of cryptofascism: to provide plausible deniability to your ultra-far-right signalling so you can deny it when called out.

        That shit doesn’t work on me. If you’re going to use words like “sneed”, flash the ‘OK’ sign and engage in other suspicious far-right adjacent optics, the gaslighting response of “dog whistles don’t exist” is precisely the kind of bullshit I would expect a fascist troll to say.

        Go back to Kiwifarms.

        • @feedum_sneedson
          01 month ago

          They do exist, but I was doing those particular things before somebody decided they were secret Nazi salutes. Find a better target for your anger, I literally wrote a thesis on historical materialism/LTV.

          • Todd Bonzalez
            01 month ago

            If you don’t want to be treated like a fascist, stop doing things that fascists do to signal their regressive beliefs.

            If you’re going to carry water for fascists by pretending that dog whistles don’t exist, expect to be grouped with the people you’re rhetorically assisting, because dog whistles do exist and you seem to like using them and defending their use.

            Again, your gaslighting doesn’t work on people like me. Go back to Kiwifarms.