Who is that woman on the right? Are we supposed to recognize her or something?

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    11 month ago

    Yeah you seem the type who’s able to dish it out but turns into a snivelling child when it’s returned.

    I’d continue this battle of wits but I feel bad going against an unarmed opponent.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      1 month ago

      Bitch I have been nuking weaksauce Eternal Septemberers like you since before the internet has pictures.

      And your closing mic drop was already old back in my schoolyard days, and my first console controller only had one button.

      Could you at least try? How am I going to get hard if you keep lobbing 20 year old dunks?

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)
          21 month ago

          Have you ever once had an original thought?

          Look, I get you want me, but what’s even in it for me? Certainly not stimulating conversation.

          Not everyone is meant to be a dom, and I think you will be a lot happier once you realize that.

          Protip: if you have to declare someone a bitch, they certainly aren’t yours.

            • Angry_Autist (he/him)
              1 month ago

              Whatever you need to tell yourself at night to drown out the ringing shame of your played-out rhetoric.

              Also, I give lessons if you can afford them.

                • Angry_Autist (he/him)
                  21 month ago

                  Oh I’m certain a user with a name like yours has zero shame.

                  Self-doubt on the other hand, that’s a completely different paralysis demon.