• @roofuskit
    223 days ago

    Yeah, but before the director made several more movies that were all bad. I don’t know how he keeps getting work.

    • @Illuminostro
      1123 days ago

      And yet people keep giving Snyder money to make movies for stupid teenage boys.

      • @roofuskit
        623 days ago

        Yeah, that’s another that makes no sense to me. People largely dislike all his recent works. “Let’s give him a huge budget for a two part star wars fan fic!”

        • @[email protected]
          23 days ago

          Snyder has an amazing eye for action. Sucker Punch, 300, and Watchmen were all amazing visual/auditory feasts. Everything else about his movies is just average to below average, though.

          Giving him a Star Wars makes perfect sense when you consider what Disney thinks of the Star Wars audience. “Just give them laser sword and space ships and explosions and they’ll be happy.”

          • @Illuminostro
            523 days ago

            Blomkamp is better in every way. I think he got blacklisted because the money guys didn’t like his social commentary.

            • @roofuskit
              113 days ago

              Blokamp is great at effects and story ideas, he’s not a good director. Even District 9 is a bit of a directorial mess but there’s enough interesting story there to overcome that. The rest of his films? Not so much.

            • @[email protected]
              123 days ago

              I personally wouldn’t put him above Snyder in the visuals category, but I respect your opinion and I don’t think you’re way off or anything. I can see having that preference.

      • @angrystego
        322 days ago

        Teenage boys deserve some love and movies!

      • @BigPotato
        223 days ago

        I mean, stupid teenage boys will spend what money they have to hang out with their friends… So, it’s a viable audience.

      • @herrvogel
        123 days ago

        His stuff at least manages to make money somehow, so that makes some kind of sense from a money worship point of view. I doubt Blomkamp’s movies raked in as much cash though.

    • @jumjummy
      123 days ago

      And yet M. Night still makes movies. You can’t explain that!