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This is your somewhat regularly scheduled Stop Killing Games update.

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Germany has hit the threshold sometime yesterday evening. France has also started to catch up. They are still below 50% but there growth over the last couple of days has been the biggest. Netherlands and Denmark are still in the low 90s.

The milestone comes on the eve of this years Gamescom in Cologne, Germany which is set to kick off today. SKG is not going to have an official presence there. (I’ve checked with the organisers) But if you are attending and want to help spread the word I’m happy to share official marketing material, either in the form of flyers or the files for flyers, so you can print your own. They come in both German and English. If you want some, send me a DM.

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  • @DarthFrodo
    187 months ago

    We gotta spread the word. It still seems very achievable if enough people become aware of it.

    • @Kuinox
      36 months ago

      Which one ? Saving video game ? Sure, tax-the-rich have less than a month, less votes than this petition.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Anyone who signed the one should be signing the other as well. It’s not that you can sign only one of them.

        • @Kuinox
          16 months ago

          I think you misunderstood what I wrote.