The Israeli military has ordered new forced evacuations in parts of central Gaza, signaling the expansion of ground operations and the latest displacement of Palestinians, many of whom have already been displaced multiple times over the course of Israel’s war on the territory. At least 50 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza, pushing the official death toll past 40,200.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken ended his ninth visit to the Middle East since October without securing any breakthrough for a ceasefire deal. In Chicago, where Democrats are gathered for the DNC, Gaza has been mentioned only in passing from the main stage of the convention. The party’s official platform adopted this week does not call for an arms embargo on Israel and reasserts unwavering U.S. support for Israel.

“There’s been an almost competition between Democrats and Republicans on ‘how much can we show Israel that we support them and that we have their back?’” says human rights lawyer Zaha Hassan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and previously the senior legal adviser to the Palestinian negotiating team during Palestine’s bid for U.N. membership. “Why should Israel ever compromise its positions if they know that by holding out, they’ll get more goodies from the U.S.?”

    • @Beetschnapps
      -222 days ago

      Please describe exactly what would satisfy you politically and the steps it would for the entire planet to get there…

      Why is it that you folks constantly shit on everything while offering zero idea of specifically what it is you want?

      • @TokenBoomer
        921 days ago

        Stop funding and supplying arms to Israel. Most of the rest of the world recognizes Palestine as a state. Back the ICJ arrests ruling for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders for war crimes. Urge the UN to sanction Israel for apartheid like they did for South Africa. It can be done. It’s been done before. America just has to have the will to do the right things.

        • @Beetschnapps
          -921 days ago

          Most everything you have mentioned has already been done save for the arms sales and a UN sanction; which won’t change anything. Nothing you mention fundamentally changes the situation and I mention that because incremental not fundamental change is what is needed here…

          All while you bitch and moan about the “fundamental” side with nothing else to offer. So incremental change is happening while you offer nothing but incremental bs.

          • @TokenBoomer
            21 days ago

            We’ve done nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

            Dave Harden, a former USAID mission director to the West Bank and Gaza, described the pier project as “humanitarian theater.”

            • @Beetschnapps
              21 days ago

              The exact point of every one of yours and these types of comments.

              You like to pretend it’s the organized political parties that are all out of ideas…

              All why you keep shitting on every political forum online with nothing to do.

              You are the ones that have tried nothing but keep telling everyone there’s nothing to do!

              But you have cartoons to tell yourself everyone else is “blue maga”!

              • @TokenBoomer
                621 days ago

                If you won’t consider the answer, then why ask the question?

                  • @jordanlund
                    321 days ago

                    Removed, civility.

                  • @TokenBoomer
                    221 days ago

                    Relax. No need to get angry with other people. It’s just a genocide.

          • @homura1650
            921 days ago

            We are talking about US politics here, so I’m assuming the focus is what the US has been doing.

            Stop funding and supplying arms to Israel.

            Like the $20 billion we approved earlier this month (in direct violation of the foreign assistance act)

            recognize Palestine as a state

            We simply do not do this. Then again we don’t recognize Taiwan either.

            Back ICJ arrest ruling for Netenyahu

            The US has been opposed to this warrent, and there is talk of sanctioning the ICJ over it.

            Should anyone ever arrest any Israeli official pursuant to an ICJ ruling, there is standing US law (American Service-Members’ Protection Act, otherwise known as the invade the Hague act) authorizing the President to use full military force to secure their release [0]

            Urge the UN to sanction Israel

            The US is routinely the sole veto on every major UN vote on Israel.

            [0] This isn’t Israel specific. It us authorized for bassically any ally that is not an ICJ member.

      • @[email protected]
        421 days ago

        People want the US to stop sending bombs and weapons to Israel. There is no indication the democrats plan on endorsing such a proposal anytime soon. Seeing as it is it likely the only way to stop the carnage Israel is inflicting on Gaza, anything short of that just comes across as empty words.

        • @Beetschnapps
          21 days ago

          Seeing as it is likely the only way…

          “Seeing as”… That’s the point where you show everyone that you DONT know better.

          Keep telling yourself you do. Keep pretending. But you have no right to say you know better.

          • @[email protected]
            621 days ago

            Geez I was literally just answering your question. You don’t have to get so bent out of shape because I told you something specific that people actually want.

            • @Beetschnapps
              -721 days ago

              You are saying shit like “people want” and offering vague general missives. While the majority of the country… the DNC… etc. they all say otherwise.

              You aren’t a poll you don’t really know what “the people” want as you post a comment about the world.

              Frankly I agree with you. I don’t want that. But fyi no that’s not the fucking case.

              • @[email protected]
                721 days ago

                Vague missives? You’re the one who literally said,

                Why is it that you folks constantly shit on everything while offering zero idea of specifically what it is you want?

                Then I told you what the people you referred to as “you folks” specifically want and you’re suddenly incredibly defensive. Get a grip.

                • @Beetschnapps
                  -721 days ago

                  You pretend to speak for “the people”… then try to focus on me calling you folks.

                  Reality is you keep saying “people want” while more people than you act differently and thus an entire political party lives independent of you.

                  Keep saying “people” this and “people” that…

                  Intelligent folks can hear you. You are saying “a minority” wants X a “small group” wants Y…

                  There’s a reason why you aren’t controlling a debate but instead desperately commenting on it instead…

      • @sorval_the_eeter
        21 days ago

        Acting like its a mystery what would be morally tennable is crazy talk. You are pretending not to know and wasting everyones time. But sure, I guess there are kids becoming adults all the time so we can repeat it …again…

        At minimum: Follow the Leahy laws of not funding or supplying a country involved in war crimes. And following the same spirit of that law: Stop sheltering Israel from consequences at the UN.