• @netvor
    422 days ago
    Amt. Unit  Item
    1    pc    Star Trek-style system

    does not seem that tall to me…

    • Tlaloc_Temporal
      222 days ago

      See, you need all the supporting systems for that as well. You can’t just buy a computer game and start playing, you also need a motherboard, a CPU, a CPU cooler, a PSU, a network card, at least one drive, some RAM, a bunch of cables, a case, the OS, probably a router and ISP hookup, the electrical outlet and mains power hookup, a shelter for the delicate electronic parts, likely property to build the shelter on, and all the rest of the society BS.

      Now to be fair, most people already have electrified housing and probably an internet connection, and many places make a computer a single item purchase, but no one has the systems to bring about a Star Trek style system yet, and even the people who want to build them disagree on how. Building them is also probably going to be quite painful if Star Trek is anything to go by.

      Although, perhaps there’s a alien civilization out there that’s done all this already that you can buy a colonization/uplift from. That might reasonably be a short if expensive order.

      • @netvor
        221 days ago

        perhaps there’s a alien civilization out there that’s done all this already that you can buy a colonization/uplift from. That might reasonably be a short if expensive order


        And if we’re speculating, why not go all the way and say we also don’t know it would be expensive. Who’s to say it would not cost, say, $15? Wouldn’t it be fun to get a Star Trek system for, like, so cheap that a kid could afford it?

        (I would make sure to read the fine print, though.)