It must be nice to live in a world where rape and coercion don’t exist, where every pregnancy is carried to term without endangering the life of the mother, and where every child is born entirely healthy. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to live in reality, not your pleasing little fantasy world.
That’s a very convenient exit ramp from introspection you’ve created for yourself. Unfortunately it’s not even internally consistent logic, much less a convincing counterpoint.
It must be nice to live in a world where rape and coercion don’t exist, where every pregnancy is carried to term without endangering the life of the mother, and where every child is born entirely healthy. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to live in reality, not your pleasing little fantasy world.
That’s a very convenient exit ramp from introspection you’ve created for yourself. Unfortunately it’s not even internally consistent logic, much less a convincing counterpoint.