• @chonglibloodsport
    -322 days ago

    So what if you kill them all? Their industries will still exist. The products/energy/services they provide we still need. The zero-carbon replacements you allude to are still in the research labs, not even the drawing board. It’s not like they’re just about to take over as soon as the fossil fuel magnates are out of the way. They’re decades from being ready and climate change is happening right now!

    We’re picking up pennies in front of a steamroller.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      522 days ago

      That’s patently false to the point of disinformation.

      Renewable energy production exists and is capable to cover the entire world’s consumption and then some with CURRENT technology.

      While not zero-carbon, electric motors are still a vast improvement and the technology is there to replace the internal combustion engine of every vehicle on wheel plus many on the water.

      Hell, there’s even more environmentally friendly steel available TODAY!

      In conclusion, gtfo with your defeatist lies. A better, more sustainable future is ready the moment billionaires and hectomillionaires, who have as much political power as they have wealth, get out of the fucking way.