A lawsuit claims Google took people’s data without their knowledge or consent to train its AI products, including chatbot Bard.

  • @Goodie
    101 year ago

    There are multiple issues at play here, on both the legal and ethical levels. But your a whole lot of wrong.

    At the Legal level, the DMCA Act protects search engines and grants them protections to index websites. A for profit (!) AI does not have those same DMCA benefits (or at least, it hasn’t played out in court yet).

    On the ethical level, well, I want people to find my website, google wants traffic, it’s a trade. An AI can be used to make content that sure as shit sounds like my website, and if I have enough “content” out there, it can even be asked to emulate your voice. The AI will be used in place of your website instead of a tool to find your website. This competition for the same click is the basis of several laws being written and coming into effect currently because Google indexing your website in near real-time and serving news and no through click is a dick move.

    The law is slow to catch up, but it will probably get there.

    Not to mention your comparison to a book I wrote… if I created a unique character for said book, lets say, Bucky Bouce. Then I would own the copyright on that character for a long time thanks to Disney. A machine learning model being trained on my book would not be able to differentiate between the word “mesothelioma” and the character Bucky Bouce.

    If I invent a new way to cure “mesothelioma”, and publish that in a scientific paper, I can still file a patent on that cure. I can then own that process for quite some time. If I’m rich enough I can even drag it through the courts to extend that protection. Looking at you Bedaquiline.