• @Poayjay
    21 days ago

    God I hate the circle jerking of Cuban. There is no “good one.” His PR team is working OT to paint this completely BS image. Fuck him.

    • Orbituary
      5221 days ago

      Absolutely came here to say this. There are no ethical, innocent, or good billionaires. None. You cannot make that much money without disregarding or hurting people.

      We need to stop blocking for and idolizing these fucks.

      • @[email protected]
        4021 days ago

        Billionaire evil is a sliding scale from normal rich guy evil to comic book villain evil. He’s less bad than his peers, even if the stuff he does (like the cost plus drugs thing) are maybe just for PR.

        We eat him later than others. But we do eat him.

      • @NewNewAccount
        921 days ago

        People can agree with specific things he says without idolizing him.

      • ObjectivityIncarnate
        020 days ago

        There are no ethical, innocent, or good billionaires. None.

        Costco is a company that is famous both for how it treats its customers, and how it treats its employees. Its founder, who was its CEO until a few years ago, is a billionaire.

        The creator of Minecraft sold the explosively-popular game he created to Microsoft, for $2 billion, making him a billionaire.

        Your black and white thinking is as out of place as black and white TV is. The nuance-allergic are disgusting.

        • Orbituary
          020 days ago

          And you thinking that these entities are innocent just because they started out doing a thing is myopic. You seem to be the one unable to see nuance. Truly. Or you misunderstand its meaning, because Costco is definitely not innocent.

          I live near the headquarters. They’re an awful employer and exploit their staff, prevent upward movement of talented folk. My close friend is a highly talented developer for them and has been passed up for raises and promotions multiple times for less talented people in the org. Furthermore, he felt his race played into these decisions.

          I can’t understand for one moment why people block for or make excuses for billionaires. You’re never gonna get anything from it. Everyone on this side of the divide is on the same team in that match up.




          • ObjectivityIncarnate
            018 days ago

            You seem to be the one unable to see nuance.

            Yeah, I’m not the one who declared that every single person who has more than X wealth is evil, lmao.

            Anyone can cherry-pick a few incidents here and there, any business large enough will have them, but aggregate data is more honest:

            Its employee turnover rate of 8% is less than one seventh of the [60%] average for retailers.

            Clearly their workers are MUCH happier there than just about anywhere else in the same industry.

            • Orbituary
              018 days ago

              That’s not what nuance means. I’m done with this. You’re choosing to misunderstand or just cannot do so.

              • ObjectivityIncarnate
                017 days ago

                I’ll pretend I’m surprised you avoided addressing that single digit turnover rate, lol.

                You’re choosing to generalize people based on their net worth, and choosing to cherry pick data points to support a narrative about Costco easily debunked by looking at aggregate data.

                • Orbituary
                  017 days ago

                  Keep blocking for them, pal. I’m sure you’ll get your billions one day.


                  • ObjectivityIncarnate
                    117 days ago

                    You’re projecting your unwillingness to defend what doesn’t confirm your biases. Some of us care about what’s accurate more than what props up a pet narrative.

                    All I did was state a fact that you can’t deal with. That’s the bottom line. Cope and seethe.

          3021 days ago

          You think she’s ethical, innocent, or good? Yikes. She works hard to present a non-offensive to either side persona, that doesn’t make her ethical, innocent, or good.

          • @Nastybutler
            -1221 days ago

            Sounds like you think all people are terrible. What a sad way to go through life. I feel sorry for you

                • subignition
                  621 days ago

                  There was more than one link in my comment. Also, that’s just a sampling of the search results; you’re sure to find more compelling stuff out there if you put more effort into looking than I did.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -221 days ago

                    #1 and #3 are random blogs. #2 is a student publication so barely one notch above “random blogger”, but anyway if the best criticism one can levy at Swift is her use of a private plane, she must be more ethical than I thought. Can you imagine the clusterfuck if she traveled commercial? Airports are already a disaster as it is, without being bottlenecked by paparazzi and screeching elder millennial wine moms. She’s doing us all a public service by avoiding that situation.

              • @Nastybutler
                -721 days ago

                Oh, no! She’s not perfect! Throw her in the volcano!

                • Random123
                  821 days ago

                  You cant say shes a “good” billionaire and then dismiss it as everyone is imperfect.

                  Look i like swift and i believe its possible for there to be a “good” billionaire but swift is definitely not it

                • subignition
                  621 days ago

                  Yep as expected you’re just trolling. What a sad way to go through life. I feel sorry for you

                  • @[email protected]
                    -321 days ago

                    Lol I don’t even think they’re being a troll. I think they think they’ll gain something from licking billionaire ass.

                  • @Nastybutler
                    -421 days ago

                    Ah, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Nice reductive way to simplify your meager existence

    • ObjectivityIncarnate
      520 days ago

      Cost Plus Drugs is a real thing, not a PR statement, that’s saved many people a fuckton of money, and I’m one of them. And not only that, it set a fantastic example of cost transparency for others to follow.

      “Completely BS”? Definitely not.