• Firefox is a privacy-friendly alternative to Chrome, using its own browser engine (Gecko) and offering strong privacy protections compared to Chromium-based browsers.
  • Despite its benefits, Firefox relies on Google for funding, raising concerns about its future, and some recent privacy decisions have drawn criticism.
  • Switching from Chrome to Firefox is simple, and alternatives like Mullvad Browser offer even stronger privacy for those seeking more protection.
  • Libb
    387 months ago

    Sorry, I can’t switch to Firefox, as I’ve never not used Firefox.
    I used it already when it was called Netscape. Before that I used Mosaic, which itself is not entirely stranger to Netscape creation.

    Also, FF is not “a great alternative to Google Chrome”. FF is a great browser in its own right. (Almost) always has been. And how could it be considered an alternative to anything when it was there first (or second, right after Mosaic)?

    • Lorindól
      57 months ago

      This is the way.

      I solely used Netscape Navigator since it came out and after it fell I chose Firefox. My interface has always been modded to look permanently like Firefox 3.6.

      Everything is where I want it to be and everything works perfectly.

      Many moons ago my employer tried to force us to use only Internet Explorer / Edge for reasons they were unable to explain - since there were none, technically or otherwise. I rebelled and remotely installed Firefox with Adblock / uBlock Origin to every personal computer (I was the unofficial IT guy) and told my co-workers to try it out.

      At the next meeting we were told that the use of Firefox is not only approved but recommended. The magic of an “ad free browser” had taken hold, people found it vastly superior and had been vocal about their newfound dislike of MS browsers.

      To my surprise I wasn’t even reprimanded in any way.