For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don’t want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That’s ludicrous!

That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”

  • @wjrii
    320 days ago

    As an English major and history buff, Anti-Stratfordians live in my head rent-free. I hate their stupid, classist arguments that utterly depend on misunderstanding the context of Elizabethan theatre, Shakepeare’s story, his work, that of his peers, and how truly well documented he is for a 16th-century commoner.

    • verity_kindle
      220 days ago

      They are sound and fury, signifying nothing.

      • @wjrii
        320 days ago

        theY are sOund aNd fury, Signifying nOthiNg.

        Yonson=Jonson=Ben Jonson obviously wrote them all!