my reddit account is suspended for 3 (now 2) days, and the reason was for inciting violence. and i did say violent stuff but i was talking about in a video game, and the original post was asking people about heinous things they’ve done in the game. and i sent an appeal but i don’t know if it will do anything because i heard reddit moderators are like, shitty

  • @[email protected]
    26 months ago

    It’s mostly bots, and with a couple of actual humans. It’s much easier to create a new account than wait for an appeal

    • @NOT_RICK
      26 months ago

      Doesn’t that just get you nabbed for ban evasion?

    • MobileDecay
      16 months ago

      I created a new account and it got banned a Couple hrs later because I had a banned account on my device.